I’ve moaned in the past about setting myself goals and failing to meet them. I tell others time and time again about setting SMART targets (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound), but do I ever keep to things myself? I’m not going to answer no to that, by the way. I’m going to say that I try. And I’m going to try again in 2018.
Entertainment & Social Goals
I feel as though I missed out on some really good gigs and movies in 2017, so I’ve decided that I need to:
- Go to more gigs
- Go to the cinema more
- See another musical
- Enjoy UKPA big meet
With regards to the cinema, my parents got us a ‘date night’ package for Christmas – a cinema voucher, treats and a meal out. Plus I had to take advantage of the Picturehouses Cinema Black Friday offer! Instead of the usual £90 for the Member Plus package, I paid £50. Bargain. There’s loads of interesting looking movies coming out in 2018, so I feel like the cinema one will be an easy win.
Musical wise, I’d love to go and see Book of Mormon this year as I’m yet to see it, but am fascinated with Mormonism (despite being Atheist myself!)
I’m excited for the UK Planner Addicts Big Meet in February – it’ll be a daunting one for me as it’ll be challenging for my anxiety, but I have my own hotel room if I need some time for myself.
Professional Goals
- Help my clients grow
- Help my company grow
- Further develop my professional skills
After starting a new job in 2017, I’ve really started to feel appreciated in my role again. Now I’m feeling happier, I’m turning part of my enthusiasm into growth: for myself, for the company, and for my clients. Of course, I’ll still continue to ensure that my wellbeing is looked after, and making sure that any problems I encounter are dealt with promptly.
Blog Goals
- See more blog success
- Create more of the content I love
- Help other bloggers in the community
- Attend more events/work with more brands and bloggers
Due to stress at my old job, and starting at my new job (getting used to the new routine and settling myself), my blog received a lot less focus than I’d intended to put towards it. Since I’m not aiming to move jobs, and hoping that my self care plan for myself will be successful, this should have a positive effect on my blog. I’ve mentioned that I’d love to attend more events and work with more brands, but even if I don’t end up doing that, I want to collaborate more with my fellow bloggers, especially those in the vegan space.
Personal Goals
- Go on another holiday with my husband
- Distance myself from cliques
- Exercise more (yoga and zumba/swimming)
- Take meds every day
- Use my planner
- Less waste
- Less clutter
- Clean car
- Clean sheets every week
- Wash make up brushes every week
Holiday wise, we’re currently thinking about a trip to Italy. The Amalfi Coast in particular. Have any of you been? If so, I’d love to know your tips! Let me know in the comments below.
You’ll also see that most of my personal goals are more aimed towards self care: clean car, clean sheets, clean make up brushes, less clutter, using my planner, meds, and exercise are all intended to improve me with regards to self care. Changing tiny parts of my weekly and routines will help change my overall mental health – although these things seem ‘boring’ to some, I’m a major advocate of ‘boring self care’, and will be writing about this and the inspiration behind it soon.
And avoiding cliques is one I always struggle to do. I don’t get involved in cliques a la ‘Mean Girls’ – I usually end up being friends with one or two people in a clique and then others in the group then choose to destroy or minimise my friendship with them, because they don’t like me (read more about this in my post ‘Why I’ll Never be a Best Friend‘). Just before Christmas 2017 things came to a tipping point in my brain with a certain clique of people – a friend had passed away and although I knew of the news, I was not invited to a secret support group (which I would have really needed since the friend and I had spoken almost every day before their passing), but I was also not told about the fact that the funeral/celebration of their life was going to be live streamed so that no matter where anyone was, they could attend. I was angry and gutted about this, but instead of blaming myself about it all like I’d usually do, I moved on. So in 2018 I will distance myself further from those who wish to participate in such behaviour and exclude me from social events despite me being their so-called friend. Good luck, me!
This is a LOT! I know. But I’m determined to make this all work. And if it doesn’t… ah well. There’s always an opportunity to start again.
What are your goals for 2018? Let me know in the comments below!