I hope you’ve all had a lovely week. I’m looking forward to the Olympic closing ceremony this evening and then the next stage of this sporty summer of wonderfulness, aka the Paralympics. Please don’t forget to watch these amazing games too, they start on 29th August!
Anyway, onto my Sunday lovin’!
- Win There are some pretty darned awesome giveaways going on right now. Over on the lovely A Thrifty Mrs’s blog there is a Huge Affordable Make Up Giveaway, whilst the lovely ladies at SUPER+SUPER have teamed up with LOOK! magazine to offer one lucky hen and four of her best pals a crafty hen party. Good luck to everyone who enters these giveaways! EDIT: These giveaways are now finished!
- Beautiful bows Ginger Pickle now stock the gorgeously glittery Crown and Glory bows for £6, and there’s free postage on them! I’ve ordered 4 from Crown and Glory myself, and this is a great offer!
- Making your own doll You can buy a printable (instant download) pattern to make this cute nerdy doll*, on Etsy. How cute is she?!
- Mint coloured things I have grown to adore mint green coloured things and found these gorgeous mint and white striped straws*, which would be perfect for my straw collection (yes, I have one… it’s for crafting, honest!!). I think that mint green, mustard and jewel tones will be a feature of my wardrobe this Autumn/Winter.
There’s a big birthday of mine coming up soon and I’m looking to buy myself a sewing box if I get any money (or don’t get given one, I’ve been dropping hints to people!). I’m not quite sure what kind or size I’d need, so any help would be great!
I want to know if you would like to see this as a regular feature on my blog, and whether you’d prefer it to be a Sunday Loving or Things I Love Thursday… please let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Now, I think it’s time for another chocolate digestive….
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this post! I'm also in love with the colour mint! And thank you for writing about the competitions, I'll be sure to check them out 🙂 xx
I'm glad you liked it! Good luck if you enter any of the comps. Mint is brill!
What a lovely post! Thank you for the tip offs about those great giveaways! I can't wait for the paralympics to start, on my birthday too! I'm not ready for Olympic fever to be over just yet! xx
those dolls are so cuteeeeee