My blog is PR friendly and I love to hear from companies – no matter how large or small. I can help you with your blogger outreach, social media campaigns and influence ratings by offering quality, honest product reviews.
If you are running any events that you think I may be interested in, please don’t hesitate in dropping me an email.
If you’d like to discuss any guest or sponsored post opportunities, banner and button adverts or any related activity, please email me so that we can discuss things further.
My email address is
I am always up for providing excellent value for money advertising space for fellow bloggers and small business owners.
Any items gifted to me or given as a PR sample will be marked with an *
I use Amazon affiliate networks on some of my external links.
The above does not affect the quality of my review or my views on products or experiences themselves – I would rather be honest with you about all of the aspects of my blog.