It’s Vegfest Brighton this weekend and I’ve had so many people over the past month or so ask me “Are you going to Vegfest?! and are shocked when I reply “No.”. Some people have then gone onto asking me why that is. So I thought I’d share it with the world why I won’t be going this year. There are many reasons, so let’s begin…
Category: veggie
Meat Free February – Weeks 3 and 4
Like I said in my first Meat Free Feb post, I didn’t manage to document all of my meals as for some of the month I was away in Manchester – I am a Scentsy consultant and our World Tour conference was over a weekend in February. I’m sure that cheese sandwiches and Waitrose sweet potato parcels aren’t as exciting as proper meals so I didn’t document those!
Meat Free February – Week 2
Like I said in my previous Meat Free Feb post, I didn’t manage to capture everything I ate, but this is what I ate for my dinners in the second week of Meat Free February:
Meat Free February – Week 1
At the start of this month I decided to challenge myself to not eat meat for a month. I ignored the mockery from some people and thought that instead I would be strong and see if I could do it. I have less than a week left, so decided to share with you what I’ve been eating. I haven’t got pictures from every single day as I was away in Manchester last week and was out on Friday and Saturday this week and have excuses from other times, but don’t worry I’ve not slipped up once!
Anyway, I thought that I would share with you what I was eating for the first part of the month: